I know I'm late, but I couldn't not post photos from our Thanksgiving weekend.
Peter was in the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play, "Miracle in Massachusetts." He played Samoset and did a terrific job with all his lines.

Apparently, acting is exhausting work because he was "too tired" to smile for any photos after the play. We have a lot like this.

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner.

Hannah made her famous popovers.

These wonderful people came and celebrated with us. We ate and ate and then, later in the evening, the kids got out Twister of all games. I have no photos of that.
And my mom and dad were here the whole week! Folding my laundry, fixing leaky faucets, fetching take out, cooking the turkey.... Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Friday, we headed to the FDR and MLK Jr. Memorials.

It was a sunny day.

We tried to get a good family picture.

There were many attempts.

By the end of it, this is all I could get.

These two are much easier.

Before heading home, a little football.

the close up of your parents is beautiful!! you should enlarge it, frame and give it to them.... love them and you of course!!!