A sampling of books we are currently enjoying...

Hannah has recently discovered Enid Blyton and devoured the first book off top of a pile given to us by a friend. I had never heard of her, but from what I have learned she is a sort of English Beverly Cleary.
Hannah just finished Anne of Green Gables and has declared it in her top five. Caddie Woodlawn has been on the top of that list for the past year. Now she is on to Five Children and It.

Will is growing in fluency and beginning to become a more independent reader. The Magic Tree House series books are his books of choice these days. I have recently enjoyed having him read the Billy and Blaze series aloud to me (and Peter).

Following the tradition of Grimm’s fairy tales, these bedtime stories wander down stardusted paths, gallop to mountaintop castles, and tread through dragons’ lairs. At the same time, these eighteen adventures echo and illustrate the lessons of Proverbs in a manner sure to delight readers of all ages, especially those in their jammies.I am almost finished with Ann's book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. Doesn't it seem most everyone is currently reading Ann's book? Also, I am enjoying Debra Bell's Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling. After hearing Debra Bell speak a few Saturdays ago (she was fantastic!), I decided to read her book which has been highly recommended to me by many. There was just always something about the title "Ultimate Guide" that turned me off... anyway, it is a pleasurable and inspiring read with chapters of practical advice. Now I highly recommend it!

Next on my list...

The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child's Heart for Eternity
This has been on my list for a long time, I finally bought a copy. Even the cover blesses me.

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
This Wall Street Journal book review pricked my interest.
Then I should make some time for a little Spring Break fiction. My Hannah pointed out to me recently that it's been awhile since I have read fiction. I'm afraid she's right.