We absolutely love this place.
It's always an amazing week visiting my in-laws there.
We're so very thankful.

Riding around on a golf cart for a week is kid heaven.

I can't really begin to tell you how fun they think it is to zoom around the island this way.

Nana and Papa with the kids on Palm Sunday.

Banyan trees - tree climbing bliss.

Poolside with my husband, three kids that swim, a book and an umbrella...
yep, I had to take a picture.

This boy loves water.

All day long. Smiling the whole time.

A picnic lunch, a lawn full of inflatables, and face painting one afternoon
was just icing on the cake.
Peter wanted to be a pirate.

Love the nose ring and chest hair.

He's a natural.

Hannah had a ball all week making new friends.

One day we took a boat ride out to Useppa Island - a small island only accessible by boat.

It's a beautiful, beautiful place. Orchids grafted into trees... how is this possible?

Life size chess. I would love to have something like this in the back yard!

Lunch at the Collier Inn... yummy Cuban sandwiches.

No cars on the island means you get to meander around on these lovely paths.
Yes, please.

No, please don't make me leave!

Some dolphins played behind our boat on the way home.
The kids watched open-mouthed the whole way...
"I can't believe I'm seeing this!"
I took a lot of pictures. This one is smiling for the camera.

After showers and before dinner - the daily game of Sleeping Queens.

Restaurants that spill out onto the sand.

And sunsets.

Thank you, Nana and Papa! We had a fabulous time!