Today did not go as I had planned. Our morning lessons were unorganized, frustrating, and dragged on and on. Our fun afternoon plans were canceled. Everyone just seemed a little more on top of each other. Tempers were short. You know the day... blah, blah, blah...
My attempt to find beauty in this December 7th was tough.
Late this afternoon, I turned the corner to my room to find that ugly mound. Sadly, it had become a fixture this week, a centerpiece you might say. My sinful self wanted to sit down right next to that pile and list all the reasons I should be grumpy, why it never gets done... blah, blah, blah (again).
It was 4:40 and the sun was setting. I needed to choose joy. While I found some fun Christmas music on the radio, I invited the battling trio upstairs for a Laundry Party. Up they came, slowly, and grumbling a bit. But we worked together sorting, folding, matching, helping, laughing, and ended up finding the bottom of that pile. That ugly-beautiful pile.

This sounds like one of my days!! Hope to see you in a couple weeks!