A dear women with over 30 years of teaching experience once told me that the productive school year really ends around May 10th. That's when the students (and teachers) start their summer dreaming. Boy are we feeling that around here! But we press on with two weeks to go before we begin our summer break!

And so begins the string of last classes, last games, last lessons, year-end recitals and parties... all seemingly paired with a pizza party. How much pizza can one child consume in a few short weeks? I believe we will find out.
our last homeschool "sports class"... and a goodbye to our amazing coach

Will's general attitude towards math drills these days.

This says it all. They are literally climbing the walls.

How's it going at your house?
So glad to be on break this month! I can't keep the kids inside the weather is so nice- they've even been asking to ride bikes before 8am! We will be heading your way in another week (27th-5th) will you be around? Lets make plans to do something!
ReplyDeleteI had planned on stopping school end of June, but he has about two good weeks of work left in him. Plus friends and family are coming to the city for zoo trips, Smithsonian visits and double decker bus rides before the humidity swamps us.
ReplyDeleteAfter testing we are done with full school until September.
We have one more week. I am just as ready to have a break as the children are ready!
ReplyDeleteOn a different subject, did you make your own blog header? I see pretty templates, but I tire of them easily. My favorite look is one like yours. I want white background with a nice header/banner. Just wondered how/where to get something like that. Thanks!
These pictures are great! Hang in there...a couple more weeks!! This is the boys' last week of school. We are summer dreaming, BIG TIME around here, too!