Saturday, February 6, 2010


Enjoying a weekend stuck at home with my favorite people...

:: games by the heater

:: oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies

:: chicken cheddar chowder on the stove

:: snow forts, shoveling, sledding

:: hot chocolate by the fire

:: books, books, books...

:: Katy and the Big Snow... read so many times, he knows it by heart


  1. Awesome, Jen! I love Katy and the Big Snow...we'll have to get that one out again.
    Yay for chicken cheddar chowder!
    Enjoy the snowstorm! Wish we were having one, too.

  2. I envy you and all your snow! I so much wish we were getting that here right now! :)

    Gorgeous pictures as always!

  3. I love the beautiful photos. I had to laugh when I saw the Guess Who game. We have an old version of the game that my husband had as a child. VERY 1970! My kids love it. I always wondered if they still made it but with updated hairstyles. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Look at all that snow! Looks fun. We love Katy and the Big Snow, too, and Guess Who. The kids look like they are having a blast.



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