Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not Back-to-School Blog Hop

Don't you love this time of year?
I would send you a bouquet
of newly sharpened pencils
if I knew your name and address.

(Loosely quoted - Tom Hanks character in You've Got Mail.)

Homeschoolers, make sure to visit Life With My 3 Boybarians every Monday in August for the Not Back-to-School Blog Hop. It's sure to be a fun time. Visiting there always is.

I know you're all busy with your Not Back-to-School planning, or maybe you already started, or maybe you school year-round. Regardless, join in! Darcy has already spelled out all the details for you.

Happy August!

1 comment:

  1. My absolute favorite quote from a movie! thanks for sharing it.



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