Monday, January 12, 2009

Daily Days

I recently reworked our schedule to accommodate new activities. Here's a look at a day around here.

We do school Monday-Thursday with Field Trips on many Fridays.


Family Huddle (with Dad, devotion with songs, prayer and scripture memory).

Mon / Tues / Wed: I read to Peter, snuggle, play... "fill his bucket"
Hannah: independent work notebook (Singapore Math worksheets, Explode the Code, Mind Benders, Spelling Workout - tabs divide the work over the four days)
Will: independent work clipboard (Handwriting practice, fun Math worksheets)
Thursday: We all clean bathrooms, dust, vacuum. : )

Math with Hannah.
Will and Peter play together.

Hannah finishes up her Math sheet for the day.
I go over the Calendar, Math with Will (and Peter).

First Language Lessons and Poetry Memorization with Hannah.
Will and Peter play together... hopefully.

snack, "recess" - run around outside, hide and seek inside...

Phonics and Handwriting with Will.
Hannah reads to Peter... or puzzles, building, etc...

Depending on the day... Science, Geography, or Music with Hannah and Will (and Peter).

Hannah - piano practice, while I prepare lunch.

Lunch. Clean-up.

Depending on the day... Story of the World with Hannah or Art with Will and Hannah.
Peter down for a nap.

Quiet Time. Hannah in her room - 30 minutes of independent reading, free time. Will on my bed listening to books on CD, legos. Peter napping. I email, return calls, fold laundry...

Neighborhood play, crafts, piano lessons, ballet, basketball.


  1. Do you wake your children to start the day? It's great when my boys wake early, but I hesitate to wake them if they're sleeping soundly. Sometimes Elijah will sleep until 9am or later because he has difficulty settling in at night! It would be my ideal to start early in the morning. I like how you've broken up the school day for Hannah and the boys. Sometimes I'm a little too task oriented and don't give wiggle time when needed (maybe because we don't start until 10am some days!).

    Also, do you school through the year in order to have a 4 day school week?

  2. Your schedule looks terrific. We are still in the beginning potty-training stages, so our schedule isn't quite as tight as I'd like it to be, but.... the day will come. (It will come, it will come, it will come... can I convince myself? :))

  3. Kiley,

    There are days where I wake Hannah up. I like to have her up by 7:15. The boys (unfortunately) wake up consistently before I would like them to.

    We aren't doing year-round school. It will be hard to finish SOTW, but everything else is divided up to make a 4 day week work for us. There is always an occasional Friday lesson - if we didn't finish it all over the week.




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