1. Where have you traveled? Sigh. I long to travel. When they get older... I will. I will. I will. So far... Countless trips up and down the East Coast. I've seen a bit of Canada. I've only been west of the Mississippi River a handful of times. My favorite places in the US so far... Maine's coast and La Jolla. How's that for opposite poles? I traveled to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt in 2000 with my husband. Incredible!

2. Where would you like to live? I love our house. I love DC, but I think I could live anywhere. Anywhere that is clean, safe, near family and has good food. : ) We lived in New England for three years and I could have stayed forever. I've never lived in the country and I've always wondered if I would like it.
3. What is your decorating style? Simple. Uncluttered. Casual. Comfortable. Styles I admire.... Arts and Crafts, Shaker, Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs.... I'm a mess. I mean Eclectic.
4. How many times have you been married? Once. To my best friend. Eleven years ago this month. We were both bringing in 1996 in Times Square when we met for the first time. After we graduated from different colleges later that year, we both moved to Northern Virginia. Re-met that September. Immediately fell in love. He asked me to marry him February 1, 1997 and we were married 6 months later.

5. What is your favorite color? hmmm... To decorate with: Red. To wear: Green. To paint my toenails: Pink.
6. What is your proudest accomplishment? My children... Hannah, Will, Peter... by the abundant grace of God. I am proud to be their mom.

7. What would we be absolutely shocked to learn about you? I was my high school mascot. A horse in a big brown furry suit. Yep. And that is so not me.
Now for the tagging... how about Kit at Kit and Her Caboodle and Amy at Little White Schoolhouse.