Wednesday, January 22, 2014


We spent the long holiday weekend celebrating Peter. 
Eight years old... such a fun age!

His big birthday treat: Saturday morning at an indoor climbing center. 
We were all thrilled with his birthday pick. 

He LOVED every minute.

I could really get into this kind of exercise... we all could!

Monday morning birthday breakfast... all his favorites were requested. 

 Afternoon fun at Beauvoir's Outdoor Playground. 

 A beautifully mild and sunny mid-winter day. The perfect birthday for this outdoor loving kid.
Hard to believe that 2 days later I sit here looking at 5 inches of snow on the ground
and 6 degrees on the thermometer! 

Then home again for dinner and birthday cake with the Flemings.
Happy 8th Birthday to my sweet and spunky Peter! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

January, how I love thee. So cozy and uncomplicated.

I mean December was oh-so-fun, but I need to catch my breath a bit... and a big inhale of chimney-smoke scented, crisp, mid-winter air. 

But before we set sail into this new year, a few moments to share from the end of our 2013....

cutting down the tree... timber!

my cute husband serving at the women's Christmas luncheon at church

and some catch-up time with Susan (our speaker)

this sweet boy turned TEN!

first snow of the season... oh, how I hope we have more this year!

Christmas dress-up day at Classical Conversations. And the last day of tin whistle! ; )

my CRAZY class of eight 8/9 year-old boys. oh. my. 

an afternoon of gingerbread house decorating with good friends

a day at the holiday market and the National Portrait Gallery

my wonderful parents were here for a week and this is the ONLY photo I have of one of them... 

after-Christmas ice skating