Sunday, February 6, 2011

Full : 1000 Gifts

Continuing the list of His gifts...

Boots lined up by the door.

His hands full of flowers when he walks in from a day's work.

Remembering the day he asked me to be his wife.

My girl wandering the house with her nose in Anne of Green Gables.

The simple joy of getting his own library card.

A kid-made "Go Steelers" sign taped to our front door.

Their constant humming.

With my husband away for a night, dinner in and catch-up time with the girls.

Getting to wear your pajamas to preschool.

My three dancing to street music, eager to put a dollar in the cup.

Laughter during lessons.

Mixed-up schedules that mean math lessons at Starbucks.

Quiet Sunday afternoons as my pastor-husband prepares for evening worship.

Morning hymn "O Church, Arise"... the last verse...
So Spirit, come, put strength in ev'ry stride,
Give grace for ev'ry hurdle,
That we may run with faith to win the prize
Of a servant good and faithful.
As saints of old still line the way,
Retelling triumphs of His grace,
We hear their calls and hunger for the day
When, with Christ, we stand in glory.


  1. Hello Jennifer,

    I’m the mom of a friend of yours, Summer W., and I just wanted to tell you how lovely I think your blog is.

    As a lifelong educator, and the academic administrator of a classical Christian school the last ten years of my career, I am so encouraged by all the young moms who are making heroic efforts not only to bring up their children in the “fear and admonition of the Lord,” but to train their minds, spirits, and hearts to understand and appreciate Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and other cardinal virtues.

    The world spirit is so strong and clamors at us and our children from so many directions, it takes much more than a casual effort to prepare young men and women to be able take their place in the marketplace of ideas, and defend their faith with intelligence and grace.

    A special interest of mine has long been Beauty as an attribute of God, and in working with young people, I have witnessed first hand how Truth in connection with Beauty has led to the Goodness we desire in our children. Yet so often it seems that Truth and Goodness have been the primary concern, and Beauty has not been given its God-ordained place in the trinity of tools we’ve been given to help build our children’s moral character and their Christian faith.

    Because I’m out of the classroom at this present time, I’ve recently began blogging about this concern, and my prayer is that God will use my blog to be a source of blessing and encouragement to someone “out there” who is endeavoring to think about these things, especially anyone dealing with the education of young people. Any time we strengthen or educate our own “inner man or woman,” we make ourselves better able to guide others. So I am attempting to blog about Art, Poetry, Music, Literature, everyday life, etc., from the standpoint of the significance of Beauty as a standard and its relationship to our faith, sometimes with the intent to teach and sometimes to simply inspire.

    This post in my blog, “Why Beauty Matters,” explains why I’m attempting to do this . . .

    So I just wanted to tell you that I think what you are doing with your children is beautiful, and true, and good.


  2. Beautiful list of gifts. They made me smile giving me a warm glow. Your family seems so lovely. I found your blog through the Holy Experience. So glad I stopped by.

    Linen + Verbena

  3. I’m visiting from Ann’s today.

    I know it’s the first one – I almost didn’t pick it because I was afraid you’d think I didn’t read the rest - but I like it the best. The boots lined up at the door. It whispers family, and love, and play, and fun, and home. I heart that.

    God Bless you and yours and your gratitude journey.

  4. love the list :)
    didn't you guys get engaged in february? i remember when your mom told me he asked to marry you!!
    (we were in publix :)

  5. A special interest of mine has long been Beauty as an attribute of God, and in working with young people, I have witnessed first hand how Truth in connection with Beauty has led to the Goodness we desire in our children. Yet so often it seems that Truth and Goodness have been the primary concern, and Beauty has not been given its God-ordained place in the trinity of tools we’ve been given to help build our children’s moral character and their Christian faith. gift cakes
