Monday, July 27, 2009

Quiet : 1000 Gifts

A weekend alone. Projects and Quiet.

As a big gift to me, my sweet husband took the boys up to his parents' lake house Thursday afternoon through Saturday evening. He retrieved Hannah and gave me a weekend to check a few things off my list. I realized I haven't been at home alone overnight since Hannah was born... very nice.

Quiet hours spent prayerfully planning and preparing for a another school year at home. Cracking open new books. Fresh school supplies.

My Sunday afternoon reading. And a house full again. A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller. (Halfway through, loving it.) Husband working on evening sermon. Peter napping. Hannah reading. Will lego-ing.

holy experience


  1. What a blessings to have some time to gather your thoughts, and supplies!


  2. So glad you got that time!

    LOVE those flowers!

  3. Why do these lists kindle me so? I can *feel* your joy in the Lord....
    feel you living Loved.

    Thank you for blessing with your praise of Him...

    Moved and grateful,
    All's grace,

    (now to quietly check out 'A Praying Life" :) Thank you!)

  4. Ohhhh...
    grateful for the noise and laughter of children...
    but also grateful for the moments which come wrapped in quiet.
    All the best! ~Maria

  5. thank you the opportunity to peek into another life of gratitude.
    I so appreciate Ann for encouraging this, and feel such grace in reading and feeling how we are all blessed by the discipline of seeing.

  6. I joined the gratitude community today...and I am so glad I did. I am thankful for this visit with you.

    I think I have been missing out

  7. So enjoyed your post today - joining you in gratitude. Quiet is indeed a wonderful gift isn't it? Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am here from Ann's. It is so nice to get to know others who are taking part in listing our blessings. I love your list - what a precious gift of time your husband gave you.
    You have a precious family.

  9. Wonderful to have alone time! Can't wait to hear about your school plans! Sorry I was no help with spelling!

  10. So blessed to share your list today. May your heart grow even more grateful as the days go by. Praising our Lord with you.



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