Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Anticipating Advent

I'm always rethinking how we do Christmas. I stuggle with it, and yet it seems each year looks very much the same. We spend more than we should. Our relatives load up my kids with gifts. There is such stress in shopping to give something/anything to so many people. Money, so poorly spent. The sheer number of toy catalogs I have already received leaves me feeling so unsettled. How do I teach my children to be truly thankful?... to see how rich they are?... and desire to live simply, with an open hand? Knowing that all we have has been graciously given to us.



  1. i know what you mean, it is hard. for the last few years, we have given each of our kids 3 gifts and then a few small things in their stockings. i love how it has simplified things and they all know what to expect.

  2. love that video! We just showed it at church on Friday night at a women's function. The book, Redeeming the Season, was the backbone for the event. It's a good book, BTW....many do-able ideas for moms.

  3. That was very powerful.

    Just the kind of thought-provoking message I need to hear at this time of the year.


  4. Thank you, I loved that. We were trying to come up with a gift for our parents & I think a donation in their name to help with such a need, would be wonderful. We've have done away with buying gifts for every person we know. So I am looking forward to less this year. Hopefully with time I can teach my children that less is more & that people matter most.
    Thanks again for more inspiritation.
