Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

We arrived home from the airport late Saturday afternoon and raced straight to a wedding. Sunday morning was coming quickly for my pastor-husband and I was certain that Mother's Day would be simple, if celebrated at all. I didn't mind. After all, I needed to work on the piles and plan for our school week.

Our wonderful Saturday evening sitter had each of the kids make cards. My husband appeared in the kitchen with flowers Sunday morning. And I was treated to lunch out after church. It was a perfect celebration!... and a perfect ending to our week away.

Very thankful this week, I keep counting.


My godly, praying mom.

The privilege of motherhood.

Handmade cards.

Backyard bouquets.

Right now. 5, 7, and 9 years old.

Peter's whispers in my ear.

Will's joyful exuberance.

Hannah's thoughtful words.

Their sweet appreciation.

Leaning on my side in evening worship.

Falling asleep there. (And staying asleep long after the service ends.)

His eyelashes.

Her freckles coming out in the sun.

Being the one who comforts.

And cheers them on.

Prayers over them while they sleep.

Cultivating home.


  1. Such a sweet list with wonderful photos. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day. . . child leaning against you in slumber = precious!

  2. I have the homemade gifts too, aren't they priceless? Glad you had a great Mothers Day.


  3. I enjoyed reading your list of thankfulness! ~Brianne (one of the thankful multitudes!)

  4. Jen, love your list, as usual! We still need to talk!

  5. your list is precious! and over 1000 :) i can only imagine getting there.
    many blessings to you this multitude monday!

  6. Your church looks just like Mandarin Baptist!

  7. Love this list about motherhood!
