Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from Washington

From our family to yours...
Merry Christmas!

Perhaps we would've handed the camera to a passerby for a family photo, but we had all just witnessed a rather dramatic phone theft... snatched right out of this woman's hand! Last minute, must-have gift I suppose. So, I kept my camera close. Ah, the elusive family photo. Grin.

The Capitol Christmas Tree

Also today, we stopped at the U.S. Botanic Garden to see the Garden-Train Exhibit - a holiday/train display made entirely of plant-based, natural materials. A must-see. Amazing.


  1. LOVE that picture of Peter! (the one with Todd). Merry Christmas, hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Merry Christmas, Jennifer!! Coming here to your blog is like unwrapping a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing pieces of your heart and life.

  3. i love the pic of peter too...too cute.

  4. Jen - Love the Monument pic too:). Happy New Year friend ... L

  5. Wonderful pictures !! Such a beautiful family. I hope you all had a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year :o)
